{ "izPanel": { "registration": { "name": { "title": "What's your name?", "field": { "firstName": "First name", "lastName": "Last name" }, "alreadyRegistered": "Already registered? <1>$t(px-common:izPanel.common.logInImperative)" }, "country": { "title": "Welcome {{firstName}}!", "otherCountry": "Show more countries", "description": "**You’re entering our panel in {{country}}.**\n\nIf you’re travelling and this is not the country where you live in, we recommend you to register in IntelliZoom Panel once you’re back home. If you’re home and this is not where you live, please [contact us](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us/requests/new).", "inSpanish": "¿Prefieres ver esta página en Español?", "inGerman": "Möchtest Du diese Seite in Deutsch ansehen?" }, "email": { "title": "What's your email?", "description": "Here's where you will receive our invitations to studies in." }, "password": { "title": "Choose a password", "description": "Make sure it's a strong one!\n\nInclude:", "requirements": { "capitalLetter": "a capital letter", "numberOrSymbol": "a number", "minChars": "at least eight characters", "lowercaseLetter": "a lowercase letter", "passwordsShouldMatch": "and of course, your passwords should match" }, "passwordConfirmation": "Confirm password" }, "terms": { "title": "Before continuing...", "description": "Please take a moment to read our <1>{{termsLink}} and <3>{{privacyLink}}.\n\nIf you have any doubts on how your data is managed, please, <5>{{contactUsLowercaseImperative}}.", "checkbox": { "gdpr": "I want to be invited via email to UX research studies that match my profile. $t(px-common:izPanel.common.requiredField)", "terms": "I agree with the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. $t(px-common:izPanel.common.requiredField)", "mkt": "I want to receive communications and newsletters from IntelliZoom." } }, "doubleOptIn": { "title": "We've sent you a confirmation email to activate your account", "description": "Please click on the link in the email to activate your account.\n\nFor security purposes, the link will expire in 24 hours.\n\nIf you can’t see it, check your spam folder. We could also <1>resend you the email.", "resendSuccess": "Email sent!" } }, "comingSoon": { "title": "Coming soon!", "description": "We currently do not have an active panel in {{selectedCountry}}, but leave us your email and we'll inform you when we open one.", "success": { "title": "Thank you!", "description": "We'll get in touch with you when we open our panel to {{selectedCountry}}.\n\nSee you soon!" }, "gdpr": "I want to be informed when IntelliZoom Panel opens in my country. $t(px-common:izPanel.common.requiredField)", "yourLocation": "your location" }, "error": { "required": { "field": "This field is required.", "gdpr": "This consent is required.", "terms": "You must accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." }, "format": { "email": "Please use a valid email format. Ex. name@email.com", "genericFormat": "The format is invalid." }, "registration": { "existingEmail": "Seems like you are already registered! Please, <1>$t(px-common:izPanel.common.logInLowercase).", "existingEmailMerger": "You can't sign up with this email address. IntelliZoom and UserTesting have merged. If you have an account with IntelliZoom, [log in here](https://www.intellizoom.com/login). If you have an account with UserTesting, [log in here](https://auth.usertesting.com).", "sendEmailFail": "Oops, something went wrong and we couldn't send you the confirmation email. Please, try again later.", "passwordRequirements": "The password does not meet the requirements", "emailLength": "Wow! Your email cannot be 150 characters long...", "passwordIncludesSpaces": "The password cannot start or end with a space." }, "minTwoChars": { "firstName": "Your name must contain at least two characters.", "lastName": "Your last name must contain at least two characters." }, "generic": "Oops, something went wrong. Please, try again later.", "birthday": { "future": "Time travelling ha? The date of birth cannot be in the future.", "past": "No vampires allowed! The date of birth has to be of this century." }, "login": { "accountBlocked": "Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts.", "accountInactive": "Your account has not yet been activated. Would you like us to <1>resend you the confirmation email?", "expiredLink": "The activation link that you followed has expired. Please, <1>resend it and try again.", "invalidCredentials": "We're sorry, this email/password combination could not be found.", "userNotFound": "The activation link that you followed has expired and your data was deleted. Please, try signing up again.", "wrongActivation": "Something went wrong during your account activation. Please, try again later via the same confirmation email we've sent you before.", "wrongActivationWithLink": "Something went wrong during your account activation. Please, <1>resend the confirmation email and try again.", "accountDeactivated": "Your account was deactivated. If you would like to reactivate it, please [contact us](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)." }, "forgotPassword": { "sendEmailFail": "Oops, something went wrong and we couldn't send you the reset password email. Please, try again later." }, "resetPassword": { "incorrectPassword": "Incorrect current password", "expiredLink": "The link that you followed has expired. Please, request a new link from the [Forgot password](/forgot-password) page." }, "limitExceeded": "You have reached the maximum amount of attempts. Please, try again later.", "demographics": { "notUnderAge": "Your child cannot be more than 18 years old." } }, "footer": { "item": { "faqPayments": "[How long do payments usually take?](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us/articles/17419741241619)", "faqInvitations": "[How do invitations work?](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us/articles/17408348012563)", "faqChangeEmail": "[How can I change my email?](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us/articles/17417709873683)", "faqBrowseAll": "[See more](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us)", "sendEmail": "[Help Center](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us)", "whatIsIZP": "What is IntelliZoom Panel" }, "title": { "about": "About us", "contact": "Contact", "faq": "FAQ", "social": "Follow us!" } }, "header": { "email": "{{userEmail}}", "logOut": "Log out", "mainDashboard": "Studies", "name": "{{userFullName}}", "profile": "My profile", "settings": "Settings" }, "basicDemographics": { "flowTitle": "Alright!\n\nLet's get started", "flowDescription": "To invite you to studies, we need to ask you **just 3 basic** profiling questions.", "flowLastQuestion": "And last but not least...", "progress": "Question {{currentQuestion}} of {{totalQuestions}}", "success": { "title": "That's it!", "description": "You're now ready to start participating in our studies.\n\nKeep on completing your profile so we can invite you to more specific (and better paid) studies.", "cta": "Let's do this!" }, "underage": { "title": "You must be at least {{minimumLegalAge}} years old to participate in our studies", "description": "We're sorry, but we cannot invite you to our studies or allow you to continue. We will now proceed to delete your IntelliZoom Panel account and all you personal info.\n\nThank you for your interest." } }, "login": { "title": "Log in", "forgotPassword": "Forgot password?", "orSocialAccess": "or continue with", "newHere": "Don't have an account?", "signUp": "Sign up!", "success": { "accountActivated": "Your account has been successfully activated!", "emailResent": "We have resent you the activation email." } }, "forgotPassword": { "title": "Forgot your password?", "description": "Please enter your email and we'll send you a link to reset your password.", "success": { "title": "We've sent you an email to reset your password", "description": "For security purposes, the link will expire in 24 hours.\n\nIf you can’t see it, check your spam folder. We could also <1>resend you the email." } }, "resetPassword": { "title": "Set new password", "currentPassword": { "description": "And type in your current password please:", "field": "Current password" }, "success": { "title": "Password updated!", "description": "Your new password has been saved successfully.", "cta": "Go to login", "backToSettings": "Back to Settings" } }, "landing": { "heroSection": { "title": "Your opinion matters.", "description": "Get paid to share your experiences and make an impact on products you love and care about.", "cta": "Let's do this!", "alreadyRegistered": "Existing IntelliZoom panelist? [Log in as usual here](/login)", "nowUserTesting": "IntelliZoom is now UserTesting", "sameExperience": "Our name may have changed. But getting paid to share your experiences and make an impact on products you love, remains the same! ", "existingPanelist": "Existing IntelliZoom panelist? [Log in as usual here](/login)", "signUpWithUserTesting": "Sign up with UserTesting" }, "featureBoxes": { "first": { "title": "Get paid quickly and easily", "description": "Saving up for something or looking for that bit of extra spending money? Join the people all over the world making additional income by sharing their experiences." }, "second": { "title": "Influence product experiences", "description": "Make an immediate impact on the products that you love and use today by sharing your opinion with the people that make and improve those products." }, "third": { "title": "Do it in your spare time", "description": "Got 15-20 minutes to spare? Giving feedback is easy. Participate in studies remotely, on your schedule, from your home or on the go, using your own device." } }, "reinforcingBanner": { "phrase1": "Give feedback", "phrase2": "Get paid" }, "faqs": { "title": "Got questions? We got answers", "faq1": { "title": "How quickly can I start taking studies?", "description": "As soon as you finish the registration process and answer 3 basic profiling questions." }, "faq2": { "title": "How long are the studies going to be?", "description": "Most studies take an average of 10-20 minutes." }, "faq3": { "title": "How old do I have to be?", "description": "All participants must be 18 years or older." }, "faq4": { "title": "How many study invitations will I receive?", "description": "The number of opportunities you receive will depend on a number of factors, such as your demographics and your quality rating." }, "faq5": { "title": "How much money could I make?", "description": "Payment depends on the complexity of the study. For studies that record think out loud audio and video, you can expect to make $10 on average. For standard surveys, the payment is $2 on average." }, "faq6": { "title": "What do I need to participate in studies?", "description": "All you need is a computer, tablet or smartphone, a reliable connection to Wi-Fi, a quiet place, and the ability to download UserZoom’s eCertified testing software." }, "faq7": { "title": "When do I get my money?", "description": "Payments are sent out via PayPal usually 14 days after the completion of the study. You will receive the payment in the same email used to register." } }, "uzBanner": { "title": "Is this the owl you are looking for?", "description": "If you want to learn more about IntelliZoom, the sourcing engine used by UserZoom, [click here](https://www.userzoom.com/participant-sourcing/). We'll find the best participants for your UX research studies." } }, "settings": { "title": "Settings", "account": { "title": "Account", "credentials": { "title": "Email access", "passwordLastUpdate": "Updated on", "changePassword": "Change Password" }, "phone": { "title": "Phone number", "description": "If you add your phone number to your account it will allow us to invite you to moderated sessions. A moderated session basically means a UX researcher guiding you through one of their studies and gathering your feedback.", "addPhone": "Add phone number" }, "deactivateAccount": { "title": "Deactivate your account", "description": "If you deactivate your account you will lose all your profile progress and you won't be able to take paid studies anymore.", "cta": "Deactivate account", "confirmationModal": { "title": "Are you sure?", "description": "You will lose all your profile progress and you won't be able to take paid studies anymore.", "cta": "Yes, deactivate" } } }, "successfulUpdate": "Your settings have been updated successfully!" }, "studiesDashboard": { "completed": { "sectionTitle": "Completed studies", "completitionDate": "Completed on {{date}}.", "paymentsDescription": "Remember that if your participation is accepted, the payment usually takes 14 days to appear in your PayPal account." }, "incompleteProfile": { "title": "Get invited to more studies!", "description": "Complete your personal info in My Profile and we will be able to invite you to studies with more specific criteria.", "cta": "Complete my profile" }, "intro": { "title": "Welcome {{userName}}!", "descriptionFTU": "This is your studies dashboard. In here you'll see the studies that are available for you and some useful tips.\n\nDon't take too long to participate on them! They’re usually available only for a short period of time.", "oneStudyAvailable": "You have 1 study available ", "severalStudiesAvailable": "You have {{studiesAvailable}} studies available", "verb": "You have ", "availableStudies": "{{count}} study available ", "availableStudies_plural": "{{count}} studies available ", "scheduledStudies": "and {{count}} scheduled ", "scheduledStudies_plural": "and {{count}} scheduled ", "scheduledStudiesNoAvailableStudies": "{{count}} scheduled study ", "scheduledStudiesNoAvailableStudies_plural": "{{count}} scheduled studies " }, "practiceStudy": { "cta": "Take practice study" }, "reactiveMessage": { "certification": { "underRevision": { "title": "Practice study", "description": "Our team is reviewing your practice study and will get back to you with feedback soon!" }, "rejected": { "title": "Practice study", "description": "The practice study you sent us did not meet the quality requirements we demand for this kind of studies.\n\nIf you think this is a mistake or you would like a second shot, <1>{{contactUsLowercaseImperative}}." }, "accepted": { "title": "Congrats!", "description": "Your practice study was reviewed and approved!\n\nNow we'll be able to start sending you invitations to Think Out Loud and Card Sort studies.", "cta": "Awesome!" } }, "unsubscribe": { "title": "FOMO? Don't miss any invitation!", "description": "Activate the UX Research study invitations and never miss again any of our studies.", "cta": "Activate study invitations" } }, "tip": { "phone": { "title": "Hey {{userName}},", "description": "Would you be interested in taking moderated studies? This means a UX researcher guiding you through one of their studies and gathering your feedback.", "mainCTA": "Sure", "secondaryCTA": "No, thanks" } }, "availableStudiesTitle": "{{availableStudies}} Available studies", "availableStudyTitle": "1 Available study", "emptyDescription": "There are no available studies at the moment.", "noLongerAvailable": "This study is no longer available", "studyCTA": "Take this study", "completeYourProfile": "Completing your profile will help you get invited to more studies." }, "myProfile": { "panelistName": "{{user.firstName}} {{user.lastName}}", "profileCompletion": { "title": "Your profile is {{completionPercentage}} complete!", "description": "Answer the questions in the categories below and get invited to more studies." }, "availableStudyTypes": { "title": "Available study types", "description": "Complete the <1>practice study to take Think Out Loud and Card Sort studies." }, "categories": { "title": "Personal info", "description": "Answer all questions and complete your profile. Some studies require a very specific criteria, so the more complete and updated your profile is, the more possibilities you have to be invited to them.", "complete": "Complete", "questionsPending": "{{numberQuestionsPending}} questions left", "editCTA": "Review / Edit", "answerCTA": "Add details" }, "verifications": { "title": "Verifications", "description": "Enhance your profile by adding verifications like LinkedIn, which will improve your chances of being invited to future studies. You will have control over the data you choose to share.", "linkedin": { "title": "LinkedIn", "description": "Connect your LinkedIn account to share your verifications and profile data with IntelliZoom. By continuing, you’re agreeing to [IntelliZoom’s Privacy Policy](http://www.intellizoom.com/privacy-policy).", "linkedinInfo": "[Learn more about sharing your LinkedIn verifications](https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a1359065)", "connect": "Connect LinkedIn" } } }, "demographics": { "categories": { "aboutMe": "About me", "healthAndFitness": "Health & Fitness", "hobbiesAndInterests": "Hobbies & Interests", "household": "Household", "financial": "Financial", "occupation": "Occupation", "technology": "Technology", "travel": "Travel" }, "success": { "title": "Great!", "description": "You now can be invited to studies that match your {{categoryFilled}} profile.\n\nRemember that you can always <0>review or edit your {{categoryFilled}} info from My profile section.", "backToMyProfile": "Back to My profile", "moreCategories": { "title": "Don't break momentum!", "description": "Answer **just {{numberQuestionsMissing}} questions** on {{categoryMissing}} to be able to be invited to more studies.", "letsDoThis": "Let's do this" } }, "aboutMe": { "nonEditableFields": "If you want to change your birthday, gender or country information, please [get in touch](https://help.intellizoom.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) with our Support team." } }, "reEngagement": { "title": "Welcome {{userName}}!", "description": "As this is a brand new website, let's start by setting a brand new password for your account.\n\nClick on Request New Password and we'll send you an email with a link to reset it.", "cta": "Request New Password", "success": { "title": "We've sent you an email to request a new password", "description": "For security purposes, the link will expire in 24 hours.\n\nIf you can’t see it, check your spam folder. We could also <1>resend you the email." }, "wud": { "titleName": "Welcome to IntelliZoom Panel {{userName}}!", "title": "Welcome to IntelliZoom Panel!", "description": "We are going to move all your profile information from WhatUsersDo to our platform, but as this is a brand new website, let's start by requesting a brand new password for your account.\n\nClick on Request New Password and we'll send you an email with a link to do so.", "cta": "Request New Password", "modal": { "title": "Activate the study invitations to be able to participate", "bodycopy": "If you don’t activate them you won’t see any studies on your Studies dashboard or receive any invitations via email.", "cta": "Activate study invitations" } } }, "success": { "resend": { "email": "Email sent!" } }, "finalPages": { "complete": { "title": "You have completed the study. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!", "description": "We'll process your payment via PayPal to the same email account you used when registering in IntelliZoom Panel. \n\nThis process usually takes 14 days. Meanwhile you can keep on participating in more studies!", "cta": "Check available studies" }, "alreadyTaken": { "title": "You have already completed this study. Thank you for participating!", "description": "We'll process your payment via PayPal to the same email account you used when registering in IntelliZoom Panel. \n\nThis process usually takes 14 days. Meanwhile you can keep on participating in more studies!", "cta": "Check available studies" }, "screenout": { "title": "Darn! You didn't qualify for this study, but you may be perfect for the next one!", "description": "Thank you {{user.name}} for taking the time to respond anyway.\n\nMake sure [your profile is complete](/profile) and up to date to get as many accurate invitations as possible.", "cta": "Check available studies" }, "cheater": { "title": "Sorry, but your results don't meet our quality standards.", "description": "We take the quality of the responses in our studies extremely seriously.\n\nThat’s why we require:\n\n- The study to be completely finished.\n\n- That the participant comments are of quality and in quantity.\n\n- That the participant spends a reasonable amount of time viewing and interacting with the sites evaluated.\n\nUnfortunately, your results don't meet these standards and we are unable to offer you a reward this time. We hate doing it but the reasons are important to us, which is why we would highly recommend you invest more time and effort in future studies.", "cta": "Back to available studies" }, "speeder": { "title": "You finished this study way too fast.", "description": "As in, faster than can be reasonably expected it would take someone to complete it in good faith. While we understand the need for speed and wanting to complete more studies, we take the quality of responses extremely seriously.\n\nUnfortunately, we are going to have to reject your results and won't be able to offer you a reward this time. We hate doing it but the reasons are important to us, which is why we would highly recommend you take your time in future studies.", "cta": "Back to available studies" }, "closed": { "title": "The study you tried to enter has been closed.", "description": "Quick! Let’s see if there’s another one that you could take.", "cta": "Check available studies" }, "quotafull": { "title": "The study you tried to enter has just reached the needed amount of responses.", "description": "Quick! Let’s see if there’s another one that you could take.", "cta": "Check available studies" }, "practiceStudy": "If the study you’ve taken is a Practice Study, we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we review your results. Please remember that practice studies are not eligible for pay.", "moderatedSessionAboutToStart": { "title": "You’re scheduled for a session at this time. \nTo continue, please log in to your account.", "cta": "Log in" } }, "errorPages": { "generic": { "title": "Oh dear, this page isn't working.", "description": "We’ll take note of this.\n\nMeanwhile, would like to check what [studies](/studies) are available?" }, "uz": { "generic": { "title": "Oops, something went wrong", "description": "We’re unable to load this page. Please, try again in a few minutes." } }, "500": { "title": "And... nope. The server does not respond.", "description": "Sorry for the trouble. Please <1>try again in a few minutes." } }, "paypalToken": { "dashboard": { "status": { "noIntegration": { "title": "Connect your PayPal account with IntelliZoom!", "description": "With our new PayPal integration, you will get paid securely and on time after every completed paid research session.", "cta": "Connect with PayPal" }, "noTolUnverified": { "title": "Just one more step!", "description": "To start participating in paid research studies you can either take the practice study or [verify your PayPal account.](https://www.paypal.com/uk/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-faq444)" }, "connectionLost": { "title": "Sorry, we can’t pay you…", "description": "Your PayPal account has been disconnected from IntelliZoom. To be paid and to participate in future studies, your PayPal account must be connected.", "cta": "Connect with PayPal" }, "notVerified": { "title": "Action needed for PayPal payments", "description": "A connected and verified PayPal account is required to participate in paid research studies. First, go to [How do I verify my PayPal account?](https://www.paypal.com/cshelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-help434) Once verified, return here and select \"Confirm PayPal verification\". ", "cta": "Confirm PayPal verification" } }, "outcome": { "success": { "verified": { "title": "Congrats! Your PayPal account was successfully connected", "description": "Let’s take some paid research studies to celebrate." }, "verifiedMustVerify": { "title": "Congrats! We’ve confirmed your PayPal account is verified and you’re good to go" }, "notVerifiedTol": { "title": "Congrats! Your PayPal account was successfully connected", "description": "If you want to be eligible to participate in more paid research studies [verify your PayPal account.](https://www.paypal.com/uk/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-faq444)" }, "notVerifiedNoTol": { "title": "Congrats! your PayPal was connected successfully", "description": "To start participating in paid research studies you can either take the practice study or [verify your PayPal account.](https://www.paypal.com/uk/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-faq444)" }, "notVerified": { "title": "Your PayPal is not verified", "description": "First, go to [How do I verify my Paypal account?](https://www.paypal.com/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-faq444) \n\n Once verified, return here and select \"I've verified my Paypal\".", "cta": "I've verified my Paypal" } }, "error": { "location": { "title": "Sorry, we can’t pay you…", "description": "Both your PayPal and IntelliZoom accounts must have the same location information. Refresh the page if you want to try again." }, "severalAccounts": { "title": "Sorry, we can’t pay you…", "description": "Your PayPal account is already being used for another IntelliZoom account. Refresh the page if you want to try again." }, "accessDenied": { "title": "Your PayPal was not connected because you did not grant access to IntelliZoom", "cta": "Try again" }, "noLongerVerified": { "title": "Your PayPal is no longer verified", "description": "Please follow this [instructions](https://www.paypal.com/uk/smarthelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-faq444) to verify your PayPal account and try again." } } } }, "studyEntrance": { "notVerified": { "title": "To participate connect your PayPal account", "description": "You cannot participate in paid research studies because your PayPal is not connected. Remember even if you don't have an account you can always create a PayPal for free!", "cta": "Go to dashboard" }, "paypalNotVerified": { "title": "Action needed for PayPal payments", "description": "A connected and verified PayPal account is required to participate in paid research studies. First, go to [How do I verify my PayPal account?](https://www.paypal.com/cshelp/article/how-do-i-verify-my-paypal-account-help434)\n\nOnce verified, return here and select \"Confirm PayPal verification\". ", "cta": "Confirm PayPal verification" } }, "settings": { "connect": { "title": "Connect your PayPal", "description": "Make sure you receive your payments on time by syncing your account with PayPal.", "cta": "Connect my PayPal" }, "disconnect": { "title": "PayPal - Connected", "description": "Your account is successfully connected to PayPal.", "cta": "Disconnect from PayPal", "doubleConfirmation": { "title": "Are you sure you want to disconnect your PayPal?", "description": "If you do this, you will no longer receive invites to paid studies. You will also forfeit any pending payments for studies you may have completed recently.", "cta": "Disconnect my PayPal" } } } }, "demographicsUpdate": { "complete": { "title": "🎉 Thanks for updating your profile", "description": "Your participation ensures we provide the best possible service", "cta": "Check available studies" }, "infoMessage": "The data you provide lets us match your profile with the most relevant studies." } } }