{ "demographics": { "category": { "aboutMe": { "birthday": { "question": "What's your date of birth?", "shortName": "Date of birth" }, "country": { "question": "What country do you live in?", "shortName": "Country" }, "gender": { "question": "What is your gender?", "shortName": "Gender" }, "postalCode": { "question": "What is your Zip Code?", "shortName": "Zip Code" }, "hispanic": { "question": "Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?", "shortName": "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin" }, "ethnicity_us": { "list": { "white": "White", "black": "Black or African American", "indian": "American Indian or Alaska Native", "asian": "Asian", "islander": "Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian", "other": "Some other race" } }, "ethnicity_gb": { "list": { "white": "White", "traveller": "Traveller/Irish Traveller", "asian_indian": "Asian or Asian British: Indian", "asian_pakistani": "Asian or Asian British: Pakistani", "asian_bangladeshi": "Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi", "asian_chinese": "Asian or Asian British: Chinese", "asian_other": "Asian or Asian British: Other Asian", "black": "Black or Black British", "mixed": "Mixed or Multiple" } }, "householdDescription": { "list": { "cohabiting": "Domestic partnership / Living with someone", "single": "Single, never married", "married": "Married", "divorced": "Divorced", "separated": "Separated", "widowed": "Widowed" }, "question": "What is your relationship status?", "shortName": "Relationship status" }, "education_us": { "list": { "no_hs_diploma": "Some high school or less", "hs_or_ged": "High school graduate or equivalent", "some_college": "Completed some college, but no degree", "two_year_degree": "Graduated college - Associate's Degree (2 year)", "four_year_degree": "Graduated college - Bachelor's Degree (4 year)", "post_grad_degree": "Post Graduate degree - MS, MA, MBA, PhD, etc.", "professional_degree": "Professional degree - MD, DVM, DDS, etc." } }, "languages": { "question": "What languages do you speak and feel comfortable providing feedback?", "list": { "arabic": "Arabic", "basque": "Basque", "berber": "Berber", "bulgarian": "Bulgarian", "catalan": "Catalan", "chinese": "Chinese", "croatian": "Croatian", "czech": "Czech", "danish": "Danish", "dutch": "Dutch", "english": "English", "estonian": "Estonian", "finnish": "Finnish", "french": "French", "galician": "Galician", "german": "German", "greek": "Greek", "hindi": "Hindi", "hungarian": "Hungarian", "italian": "Italian", "irish": "Irish", "latvian": "Latvian", "lithuanian": "Lithuanian", "japanese": "Japanese", "kurdish": "Kurdish", "korean": "Korean", "maltese": "Maltese", "norwegian": "Norwegian", "polish": "Polish", "portuguese": "Portuguese", "romanian": "Romanian", "punjabi": "Punjabi", "russian": "Russian", "scottish": "Scottish", "slovak": "Slovak", "slovenian": "Slovenian", "spanish": "Spanish", "swedish": "Swedish", "tagalog": "Tagalog", "tamil": "Tamil", "turkish": "Turkish", "urdu": "Urdu", "welsh": "Welsh" }, "shortName": "Languages you speak and feel comfortable providing feedback" }, "education_es": { "list": { "lessHighschool": "Some compulsory secondary education or less", "highschool": "Compulsory secondary education (E.S.O) graduate", "technical": "Technical / Vocational degree", "someBaccalaureate": "Completed some Upper secondary education (Spanish Baccalaureate)", "baccalaureate": "Upper secondary education graduate (Spanish Baccalaureate)", "someCollege": "Completed some University", "college": "University Degree (3 year diploma)", "masters": "Master's degree", "phd": "Doctorate degree" } }, "education_gb": { "list": { "junior_infant": "Combined Junior and Infant School/Infant School Junior School", "comprehensive": "Comprehensive School (GCSE)/Secondary modern (GCSE)/Grammar School (GCSE)/City Technology College (GCSE)/Sixth Form", "college": "College/Institution of Higher Education", "open_college": "Open College - College of Technology - Institute / Teacher Training University", "junior": "Junior School", "university": "University / Open University", "some_college": "Completed some University, but no degree" } }, "education_de": { "list": { "primary": "Primary completion", "medium": "Medium education (High school / MSA, etc.)", "university": "Abitur / University", "associate": "Associate degree", "secondaryOther": "Other completed upper secondary education", "diploma": "Diploma (FH / DH)", "bachelor": "Bachelor", "magister": "Magister", "master": "Master", "phd": "Doctorate", "universityOther": "Other university degree" } }, "education_au": { "list": { "furtherqualification": "Further qualification (between high school and university)", "universityNoDegree": "Completed some university, but no degree", "universityDegree": "University degree", "master": "Master's or professional degree", "doctorate": "Doctorate degree", "belowGcse": "Below GCSE", "gcse": "GCSEs or equivalent", "alevel": "A-levels or equivalent" } }, "education_at": { "list": { "not_lower_secondary": "Did not complete lower secondary/gymnasium", "lower_secondary": "Lower secondary/gymnasium certificate", "vocational": "Berufsschule (vocational school) certificate", "higher_technical": "Höhere Schule certificate", "university": "University degree", "master": "Master's degree", "phd": "Doctorate degree" } }, "education_ie": { "list": { "post_primary": "Some post-primary education or less", "leaving": "Leaving Certificate", "third_level": "Completed some third-level education, but no degree", "higher_technical": "Higher Certificate", "bachelor": "Bachelor's degree", "master": "Master's or professional degree", "phd": "Doctorate degree", "post_leaving": "Post-Leaving Certificate vocational training" } }, "education_dk": { "list": { "primary": "Public school (primary and lower secondary school)", "secondary": "A-levels / high school (upper secondary school)", "vocational": "Skilled worker / workman or other vocational training", "uncompleted_tertiary": "Started but never completed tertiary education", "first_degree": "2-year first-degree programme / minor subject", "bachelor": "Bachelor's degree", "master": "Master's degree", "phd": "PhD degree" } }, "education_mx": { "list": { "incomplete_prep": "Incomplete prep school or less", "prep": "Prep school certificate", "vocational": "Tertiary higher education, vocational school", "university": "University education, no degree", "technical": "Technical or commercial degree", "undergraduate": "Undergraduate degree", "master": "Master's or professional education", "phd": "Doctorate degree" } }, "education_se": { "list": { "some_a_level": "Some A-Levels or lower", "a_level": "A-Levels", "vocational": "Other post-secondary vocational qualification", "some_university": "Some university, but no degree", "university": "University diploma (2-year degree)", "bachelor": "Bachelor's degree", "master": "Master's degree or professional degree", "phd": "Doctoral degree" } }, "education_nl": { "list": { "no_hs_diploma": "Part of high school or less", "diploma": "High school diploma", "technical": "Other vocational training after high school", "some_college": "Completed part of university of applied sciences / university, but no diploma", "two_year_degree": "Associate's degree", "four_year_degree": "Bachelor's degree", "masters": "Master's degree", "phd": "Doctorate/ PhD" } }, "education_fr": { "list": { "high_school": "High school or less", "baccalaureate": "Baccalaureate", "vocational": "Other vocational training after high school", "technical": "Bac +1", "higher_technical": "Bac +2", "bachelor": "Bac +3/+4 (Licence, Master 1)", "master": "Master's degree", "phd": "Doctorate" } }, "education_in": { "list": { "some_secondary": "Some secondary school or less", "secondary": "Finished secondary school", "some_vocational": "Some vocational school/technical college", "vocational": "Vocational school/technical college", "some_university": "Some university/higher education", "university": "University degree, Honors degree", "masters": "Master's", "phd": "Doctorate" } }, "education_ch": { "list": { "compulsory": "Compulsory school / bridging programme", "basic_vocational": "Basic vocational education / school of general education", "technical": "(Technical) college/university without degree", "higher_technical": "Higher technical or vocational training", "bachelor": "University (technical) degree (Bachelor)", "master": "University (technical) degree (Master)", "phd": "Doctorate", "some_compulsory": "None or up to 7 years of compulsory schooling" } } }, "household": { "householdSize": { "question": "How many people live in your house including yourself?", "list": { "1": "1 person", "2": "2 people", "3": "3 people", "4": "4 people", "5": "5 people", "more_5": "More than 5 people" }, "shortName": "Number of people that live in your house" }, "householdChildren": { "question": "How many children under the age of 18 do you have in your household?", "shortName": "Number of children under the age of 18 in your household" }, "pets": { "question": "Which of the following pets live in your house?", "list": { "cat": "Cat(s)", "dog": "Dog(s)", "bird": "Bird(s)", "fish": "Fish", "noPets": "I do not have any pets" }, "shortName": "Pets that live in your house" }, "ownRent": { "question": "What best describes your current household?", "list": { "rented": "Rent apartment/house", "owned": "Own apartment/house", "parents": "Living with parents" }, "shortName": "Current household" }, "purchaseDecisionMaker": { "question": "In your household, which of the following things are you responsible or partially responsible for making decisions about?", "list": { "internet": "Internet", "tv": "Television", "banking": "Banking", "groceries": "Grocery shopping", "automobile": "Automobile", "mortgage": "Mortgage", "finance": "Finance", "clothing": "Clothing" }, "shortName": "Things you're responsible or partially responsible for making decisions about in your household" }, "firstChild_gender": { "question": "Please indicate the gender of the first child under 18:", "shortName": "Gender of the first child under 18" }, "firstChild_birthday": { "question": "Please indicate the date of birth of the first child under 18:", "shortName": "Date of birth of the first child under 18" }, "secondChild_gender": { "question": "Please indicate the gender of the second child under 18:", "shortName": "Gender of the first second under 18" }, "secondChild_birthday": { "question": "Please indicate the date of birth of the second child under 18:", "shortName": "Date of birth of the second child under 18" }, "thirdChild_gender": { "question": "Please indicate the gender of your third child under 18:", "shortName": "Gender of the third child under 18" }, "thirdChild_birthday": { "question": "Please indicate the date of birth of the third child under 18:", "shortName": "Date of birth of the third child under 18" }, "fourthChild_gender": { "question": "Please indicate the gender of your fourth child under 18:", "shortName": "Gender of the fourth child under 18" }, "fourthChild_birthday": { "question": "Please indicate the date of birth of the fourth child under 18:", "shortName": "Date of birth of the fourth child under 18" }, "fifthChild_gender": { "question": "Please indicate the gender of your fifth child under 18:", "shortName": "Gender of the fifth child under 18" }, "fifthChild_birthday": { "question": "Please indicate the date of birth of the fifth child under 18:", "shortName": "Date of birth of the fifth child under 18" } }, "technology": { "mobilePlan": { "question": "What type of mobile phone plan do you have?", "list": { "prepaid": "Pre-paid", "contract": "Contract", "noPhone": "I don't have a mobile phone" }, "shortName": "Type of mobile phone plan" }, "electronicDevices": { "question": "Which of the following electronic products do you own?", "list": { "flatTv": "Flat Screen TV", "handheldConsole": "Handheld gaming console (Nintendo 2DS, Nintendo Switch)", "stationaryConsole": "Stationary gaming console (PlayStation, Xbox)", "videoCamera": "Video Camera", "digitalCamera": "Digital Camera", "desktopPc": "PC/Mac desktop", "laptopPc": "PC/Mac laptop", "cellPhone": "Mobile Phone", "cordlessPhone": "Cordless Phone", "projector": "Projector", "documentScanner": "Document Scanner", "cableTv": "Cable TV/Satellite TV", "digitalTv": "Digital TV receiver", "printer": "Printer", "multipurposePrinter": "Multi-purpose printer (fax, printer, phone, etc.)", "homeNetwork": "Home Network / Wireless Internet", "surroundSystem": "Surround System / Home Cinema", "digitalMediaReceiver": "Digital Media Receiver (ex. Apple TV, Roku)", "tablet": "Tablet (ex. iPad)", "ebook": "E-book reader (ex. Kindle)" }, "shortName": "Electronic products you own" } }, "occupation": { "employment": { "question": "What is your current employment status?", "list": { "employed_full_time": "Employed full-time", "employed_part_time": "Employed part-time", "self_employed": "Self-employed", "small_business_owner": "Small business owner", "contractor_or_consultant": "Contractor or consultant", "full_time_military": "Active military", "inactive_military": "Inactive military/Veteran", "homemaker": "Full-time homemaker", "retired": "Retired", "student": "Student", "unable_or_disabled": "Disabled and unable to work", "looking_for_work": "Temporarily unemployed" }, "shortName": "Current employment status" }, "industry": { "question": "In which of the following industry do you work?", "list": { "accounting": "Accounting", "administrative": "Administrative and Support Services", "advertising": "Advertising", "agriculture": "Agriculture / Fishing", "architecture": "Architecture", "arts_recreation": "Arts, Entertainment and Recreation", "automotive": "Automotive", "aviation": "Aviation", "banking_finance": "Banking / Financial", "biotech": "Bio-Tech", "brokerage": "Brokerage", "chemicals_plastics_rubber": "Chemicals / Plastics / Rubber", "communications_information": "Communications / Information", "computer_hardware": "Computer Hardware", "computer_software": "Computer Software", "computer_reseller": "Computer reseller (software / hardware)", "construction": "Construction", "consulting": "Consulting", "consumer_electronics": "Consumer Electronics", "consumer_goods": "Consumer Packaged Goods", "education": "Education", "energy_utilities": "Energy / Utilities / Oil and Gas", "engineering": "Engineering", "environmental_services": "Environmental Services", "fashion_apparel": "Fashion / Apparel", "food_beverage": "Food / Beverage", "government_public_sector": "Government / Public Sector", "healthcare": "Healthcare", "hospitality_tourism": "Hospitality / Tourism", "human_resources": "Human Resources", "information_technology": "Information Technology", "insurance": "Insurance", "internet": "Internet", "legal_law": "Legal / Law", "management": "Management", "manufacturing": "Manufacturing", "market_research": "Market Research", "marketing_sales": "Marketing / Sales", "media_entertainment": "Media / Entertainment", "military": "Military", "non_profit_social_services": "Non Profit / Social services", "personal_services": "Personal Services", "pharmaceuticals": "Pharmaceuticals", "printing_publishing": "Printing Publishing", "professional_services": "Professional Services", "public_administration": "Public Administration", "public_relations": "Public Relations", "real_estate_property": "Real Estate / Property", "retail_wholesale_trade": "Retail / Wholesale trade", "scientific_technical_services": "Scientific or Technical Services", "security": "Security", "shipping_distribution": "Shipping / Distribution", "telecommunications": "Telecommunications", "transportation": "Transportation", "user_experience_research": "User Experience Research" }, "shortName": "Work industry" }, "jobDepartment": { "question": "Which department do you primarily work within at your company?", "list": { "admin": "Administration / General Staff", "customer_service": "Customer Service / Client Service", "executive": "Executive Leadership / C-Level", "finance_accounting": "Finance / Accounting", "human_resources": "Human Resources", "legal": "Legal / Law", "marketing": "Marketing", "operations": "Operations", "procurement": "Procurement", "product_management": "Product Management", "sales": "Sales / Business Development", "technology_hardware": "Hardware Technology Development (not only IT)", "technology_software": "Software Technology Development (not only IT)", "technology_implementation": "Technology Implementation", "other": "Other" }, "shortName": "Job department" }, "jobTitle": { "question": "What is your job title, level or responsibility?", "list": { "top_tier": "C-Level (e.g. CEO, CFO), Owner, Partner, President", "vp_tier": "Vice President (EVP, SVP, AVP, VP)", "director_tier": "Director (Group Director, Sr. Director, Director)", "management_tier": "Manager (Group Manager, Sr. Manager, Manager, Program Manager)", "analyst": "Analyst", "associate": "Assistant or Associate", "administrative": "Administrative (Clerical or Support Staff)", "individual_contributor": "Individual Contributor", "contractor": "Contractor", "consultant": "Consultant", "intern": "Intern", "volunteer": "Volunteer", "other": "Other" }, "shortName": "Job title" }, "decisionMaker": { "question": "Please choose which departments/products you have influence or decision making authority over regarding spending/purchasing.", "list": { "itHardware": "IT Hardware", "itSoftware": "IT Software", "printers": "Printers and copiers", "financial": "Financial Department", "humanResources": "Human Resources", "officeSupplies": "Office supplies", "corporateTravel": "Corporate travel", "telecommunications": "Telecommunications", "sales": "Sales", "shipping": "Shipping", "operations": "Operations", "legalServices": "Legal services", "marketing": "Marketing/Advertising", "security": "Security", "foodServices": "Food services", "autoleasing": "Auto leasing/purchasing" }, "shortName": "Departments/products you have influence or decision making authority over regarding spending/purchasing." }, "companySize": { "question": "Approximately how many employees work at your company (all locations)?", "shortName": "Employees at your company" } }, "hobbiesAndInterests": { "hobbies": { "question": "What are your hobbies and interests?", "list": { "artsCrafts": "Arts and crafts", "boating": "Boating", "camping": "Camping", "cooking": "Cooking", "golf": "Golf", "healthFitness": "Health and fitness", "huntingFishing": "Hunting / Fishing", "interiorDecorating": "Interior decorating / Renovating", "teamSports": "Team sports", "playingMusic": "Playing music", "videogames": "Playing video / computer games", "reading": "Reading", "skiing": "Skiing", "technology": "Technology / Computers", "travel": "Travel", "tvSports": "Watching sports on TV" }, "shortName": "Hobbies and interests" }, "socialMedia": { "question": "Which of the following social media platforms do you use or actively participate in?", "shortName": "Social media platforms you actively use" }, "streamingMovies": { "question": "On average, how frequently do you stream or download movies for home viewing?", "list": { "less1": "Less than once a month", "1": "Once a month", "2": "Twice a month", "3": "Three times per month", "4": "Four times per month", "5": "Five or more times per month", "none": "I don't stream or download movies" }, "shortName": "Movies streaming or download frequency" }, "gambling": { "question": "What kind of gambling do you participate in?", "list": { "onlineSports": "Online sports betting", "onlineLottery": "Online lottery / scratchcard", "onlinePoker": "Online poker / casino gaming", "offlineSports": "Offline sports betting", "offlineLottery": "Offline lottery / scratchcard", "bingo": "Bingo", "casinoPoker": "Casino poker / BlackJack / Roulette / etc", "casinoSlot": "Casino Slot Machines", "horseTrack": "Horse Track Betting", "carRace": "Car Race Betting", "none": "I don't gamble at all" }, "shortName": "Kinds of gambling you participate in" } }, "financial": { "financialProduct": { "question": "Which of the following financial products do you own?", "list": { "creditCard": "Credit Card", "checkingAccount": "Checking account", "savingsAccount": "Savings account", "personalLoan": "Personal loan", "mortgage": "Mortgage" }, "shortName": "Financial products you own" }, "investments_us": { "list": { "none": "I don't have any savings / investments", "401k": "Employer Matching 401k", "ira": "IRA / Roth", "bonds": "Bonds", "deposit": "Certificate of Deposit", "mutualFunds": "Mutual Funds" } }, "investments_gb": { "list": { "none": "I don't have any savings / investments", "personalPension": "Personal Pension", "workplacePension": "Workplace Pension", "unitTrusts": "Unit trusts", "oeic": "OEIC - Open Ended Investment Company", "etf": "ETF Securities (or Exchange Traded Funds)", "investmentTrusts": "Investment Trusts", "fixedIncomeProducts": "Fixed Income Products" } } }, "healthAndFitness": { "diagnosed_ailments": { "question": "Have you been diagnosed with any of the following illnesses / conditions?", "list": { "acne": "Acne", "add_adhd": "ADD / ADHD", "allergies": "Allergies (not associated with Hay Fever)", "alzheimers": "Alzheimer’s", "anemia": "Anemia", "angina": "Angina", "anxiety": "Anxiety", "arrhythmia": "Arrhythmia / Atrial Fibrillation", "arthritis": "Arthritis", "asthma": "Asthma", "backPain": "Back Pain", "bipolar": "Bipolar Disorder", "bloodDisorders": "Blood Disorders (non Cancerous)", "bronchitits": "Bronchitis", "cancer": "Cancer", "cardiovascular": "Cardiovascular Disease", "carpalTunnel": "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome", "chronicFatigue": "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", "chronicKidney": "Chronic Kidney Disease", "chronicLymphocytic": "Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia", "copd": "COPD", "cirrhosis": "Cirrhosis", "colitis": "Colitis", "constipation": "Constipation", "crohns": "Crohn's Disease", "cystic": "Cystic Fibrosis", "dementia": "Dementia", "dental": "Dental Problems", "depresssion": "Depression", "diabetes1": "Diabetes Type 1", "diabetes2": "Diabetes Type 2", "diarrhea": "Diarrhea/Diarrhoea", "eczema": "Eczema", "emphysema": "Emphysema", "endometriosis": "Endometriosis", "epilepsy": "Epilepsy", "erectileDysfunction": "Erectile Dysfunction (ED)", "fibromyalgia": "Fibromyalgia", "foodIntolerances": "Food Intolerances", "gerd": "Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GERD)", "gastroenteritis": "Gastroenteritis", "gout": "Gout", "hemophilia": "Hemophilia", "hemorrhoids": "Hemorrhoids", "hayFever": "Hay Fever", "heartConditions": "Heart Conditions (not heart failure)", "heartFailure": "Heart Failure", "hepatitis": "Hepatitis", "cholesterol": "High Cholesterol", "aids": "HIV - Aids", "hypertension": "Hypertension", "hypothyroidism": "Hypothyroidism", "impotence": "Impotence", "infertility": "Infertility", "irritableBowelSyndrome": "Irritable Bowel Syndrome", "jointReplacement": "Joint Replacement", "kidneyFailure": "Kidney Failure", "liverCirrhosis": "Liver Cirrhosis", "liverDisorders": "Liver Disorders (other than cancer or cirrhosis)", "lupus": "Lupus", "luymeDisease": "Lyme Disease", "menopause": "Menopause", "migraine": "Migraine", "motorNeuronDisease": "Motor Neuron Disease", "multipleSclerosis": "Multiple Sclerosis", "obesity": "Obesity", "osteoarthritis": "Osteoarthritis", "osteoporosis": "Osteoporosis", "overactiveBladder": "Overactive Bladder", "parkinons": "Parkinson's disease", "pneumonia": "Pneumonia", "prematureEjaculation": "Premature ejaculation", "psoriasis": "Psoriasis", "reflux": "Reflux", "restlessLegSyndrome": "Restless Leg Syndrome", "rheumatoidArthritis": "Rheumatoid Arthritis", "schizophrenia ": "Schizophrenia", "shingles ": "Shingles", "sinusitis": "Sinusitis", "sleepingDisorder": "Sleeping Disorder", "smoking": "Smoking Addiction", "stroke": "Stroke", "substanceAbuse": "Substance Abuse Drugs/Alcohol", "syphilis": "Syphilis", "thyroidProblems": "Thyroid Problems", "tuberculosis ": "Tuberculosis", "ulcerativeColitis": "Ulcerative Colitis", "ulcers": "Ulcers", "urinaryIncontinence": "Urinary Incontinence" }, "shortName": "Illneses / conditions you have been diagnosed with" } }, "travel": { "travelFlights": { "question": "How often do you travel by plane?", "list": { "everyMonth": "Once a month or more", "every2-4Months": "Once every 2-4 months", "twiceYear": "Twice a year", "onceYear": "Once a year" }, "shortName": "Travel by plane frequency" }, "flightPurpose": { "question": "For which purposes do you travel by plane?", "list": { "business": "Business", "leisure": "Leisure", "both": "Both, business and leisure", "neither": "Neither, I don't travel by plane" }, "shortName": "Travel by plane purposes" }, "flightDestination": { "question": "When you fly, which types of flights do you take?", "list": { "domestic": "Domestic", "international": "International", "both": "Both, domestic and international", "neither": "Prefer not to answer" }, "shortName": "Types of flights you take" }, "domesticAirlines_us": { "question": "Which domestic airlines have you flown with during the last 12 months?", "list": { "none": "I haven't flown domestically within the last 12 months" }, "shortName": "Domestic airlines you have flown with during the last 12 months" }, "internationalAirlines": { "question": "Which international airlines have you flown with during the last 12 months?", "list": { "none": "I haven't flown internationally in the last 12 months" }, "shortName": "Internacional airlines you have flown with during the last 12 months" }, "accomodationType": { "question": "In which type of accommodations have you stayed in the past year?", "list": { "houseRental": "House rental (AirBnB & VRBO)", "bedBreakfast": "Bed & Breakfast", "campground": "Campground/RV Park", "hostel": "Hostel", "hotel": "Hotel", "motel": "Motel", "personalVacationHome": "Personal Vacation Home", "timeshare": "Timeshare" }, "shortName": "Type of accommodations that have you stayed in the past year" }, "hotelLoyalty": { "question": "Do you belong to any of the following hotel loyalty programs?", "shortName": "Hotel loyalty programs you belong to" } } }, "generic": { "education": { "question": "What is the highest level of education you have completed?", "shortName": "Highest level of education" }, "householdIncome": { "question": "How much total combined annual income do all members of your household earn before taxes?", "shortName": "Total annual income that all members of your household earn combined (before taxes)" }, "mobileCarrier": { "question": "Which of these is the carrier for the mobile phone you use most often?", "shortName": "Carrier for the mobile phone you use most often" }, "companyRevenue": { "question": "Approximately what is the annual revenue for your company?", "shortName": "Approximate annual revenue of your company" }, "subscriptions": { "question": "Which of the following services are you subscribed to?", "shortName": "Services you're subscribed to" }, "investments": { "question": "What kinds of savings and / or investment accounts do you have?", "realEstate": "Real Estate", "savingsAccount": "Savings Account", "shares": "Stocks / Shares", "shortName": "Savings or investment accounts you own" }, "investableAssets": { "question": "Which of these most closely represents your household investable assets (not including homeownership)?", "shortName": "Household investable assets approximate value (not including homeownership)" }, "airlineLoyalty": { "question": "Do you belong to any of the following airline loyalty programs?", "list": { "none": "I don't belong to an airline loyalty program" }, "shortName": "Airline loyalty programs you belong to" }, "hotelLoyalty": { "list": { "none": "I don't belong to any hotel loyalty program" } }, "ethnicity": { "question": "Which of the following best represents your racial or ethnic heritage?", "shortName": "Racial or ethnic heritage" }, "noPhone": { "noPhone": "I don't have a mobile phone" }, "socialMedia": { "question": "Which of the following social media platforms do you use or actively participate in?", "shortName": "Social media platforms you actively use" } } }, "izPanel": { "common": { "demographics": { "billion": "billion" } } } }