{ "izPanel": { "common": { "androidPhone": "Android phone", "androidTablet": "Android tablet", "chrome": "Chrome", "claim": "Your opinion matters. Get paid to share your experiences and make an impact on products you love and care about.", "comma": ",", "contactUsLowercaseImperative": "contact us", "copyright": "IntelliZoom Panel © {{currentYear}}. All rights reserved.", "edge": "Edge", "email": "Email", "firefox": "Firefox", "ie": "Internet Explorer {{version}}", "iPad": "iPad", "iPhone": "iPhone", "logIn": "Log in", "logInImperative": "Log in", "logInLowercase": "log in", "next": "Next", "noRobot": "I'm not a robot", "or": "or", "orPressEnter": "or press Enter", "password": "Password", "period": ".", "privacyLink": "Privacy Policy", "requiredField": "(Required)", "safari": "Safari", "signUp": "Sign up", "submit": "Submit", "termsLink": "Terms of Service", "day": "DD", "month": "MM", "year": "YYYY", "facebook": "Facebook", "google": "Google", "save": "Save", "send": "Send", "demographics": { "female": "Female", "lessThan": "Less than", "male": "Male", "na": "I prefer not to answer", "no": "No", "none": "None of the above", "noneOrNoTell": "None of the above / I prefer not to say", "orMore": "or more", "other": "Other", "otherFeminine": "Other", "otherFemininePlural": "Other", "otherPlural": "Other", "unknown": "I don't know", "yes": "Yes", "nonBinary": "Non binary", "noneMasculine": "None of the above", "no_answer": "I prefer not to answer", "million": "Million", "millions": "Million" }, "tip": { "paypal": { "title": "We use PayPal to pay our participants", "description": "Make sure your email has a PayPal account associated. Remember that you can always create one for free!" } }, "finish": "Finish", "gotIt": "Got it", "emailNotifications": { "title": "Study invitations and newsletter", "mkt": { "title": "Newsletter and marketing communications", "description": "We may occasionally send you:\n\n- Updates on how your opinion is impacting the products you love.\n- A few tips on how to become a master of giving feedback." }, "studyInvites": { "title": "Invitations to user experience studies", "description": "Receive invitations to user experience studies that:\n\n- You can take remotely, from the comfort of your home.\n- Take an average of 10-20 min to answer.\n- Pay {{tolIncentive}} on average for studies that record audio and video. For standard surveys, the payment is {{surveyIncentive}} on average.", "confirmationModal": { "title": "Are you sure?", "description": "If you deactivate this option you will no longer receive invitations to paid studies.", "cta": "Yes, deactivate" } }, "description": "###Hello\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:", "description_morning": "###Good morning,\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:", "descriptionName_morning": "###Good morning {{userName}},\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:", "description_afternoon": "###Good afternoon,\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:", "descriptionName_afternoon": "###Good afternoon {{userName}},\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:", "description_evening": "###Good evening,\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:", "descriptionName_evening": "###Good evening {{userName}},\n\nThese are the communications you’re subscribed to:" }, "language": { "title": "Language", "englishUS": "English US", "englishUK": "English UK", "spanish": "Español", "german": "Deutsch", "danish": "Dansk", "french": "Français", "dutch": "Nederlands", "swedish": "Svenska", "spanishMX": "Español MX", "germanAT": "Deutsch AT", "germanCH": "Deutsch CH" }, "cancel": "Cancel", "edit": "Edit", "studies": { "cardSort": { "title": "Card Sort", "description": "In these kind of studies we're mostly interested in how you would group certain items. This helps the study creator understand the users train of thought when categorizing.\n\nRemember, there are no wrong answers. We're only interested in your honest opinion." }, "practice": { "title": "Practice study", "description": "Take this practice study and master the art of giving feedback.\n\nIf you participate and pass our review, we'll be able to invite you to better paid studies." }, "survey": { "description": "A standard question-answer survey. No special effects.\n\nRemember, there are no wrong answers. We're only interested in your honest opinion.", "title": "Survey" }, "taskBased": { "title": "Task Based", "description": "In a task based, pretty much as the name states, the study will guide you through a set of tasks for you to complete.\n\nSome tasks are simple, some are a bit more complex. We're interested in knowing how easy or difficult you find them.\n\nRemember, there are no wrong answers. We're only interested in your honest opinion." }, "tol": { "title": "Think Out Loud", "description": "These kind of studies require you to speak your thoughts while you perform tasks.\n\nRemember, there are no wrong answers. When we show you an idea, design or concept, if you hate it you hate it, if you love it you love it, if it doesn't spark any emotion and it's pretty much a waste of time... say so too!\n\nWe're only interested in your honest opinion." }, "requirements": { "anyBrowser": "An updated browser", "aWorking": "A working", "goodLightning": "A well-lit place", "headphones": "Headphones", "maybeRecorded": "You won't need a webcam or microphone, but your screen may be recorded. Be sure to read each task and do your best to complete them.", "microphone": "Microphone", "quietEnvironment": "A quiet environment", "screener": "You may be asked a few questions to see if you qualify for this study, good luck! :)", "strongConnection": "Strong connection", "updatedBrowser": "Latest version of", "webcam": "Webcam", "title": "For this study you will need:" }, "participate": "Participate", "devices": "Devices", "youWillNeed": "You will need", "manualSourcing": { "title": "Stay tuned to your email!", "description": "For studies in {{country}} we use emails to manage our invitations.\n\nTo ensure you're invited as often as possible, make sure to keep your profile complete and updated." }, "treeTest": { "title": "Tree Test", "description": "In these kind of studies we're trying to find the best possible organization and naming for navigation menus.\n\nMeaning, if the categories make sense for you and if the items are where you're expecting them to be.\n\nRemember, there are no wrong answers. We're only interested in your honest opinion." }, "clickTest": { "title": "Click Test", "description": "With a Click Test we want to understand where would you click when we ask you to do a certain action.\n\nRemember, there are no wrong answers. We're only interested in your honest opinion." }, "projectId": "Study ID for your reference: {{projectId}}", "loadingScreen": { "title": "Entering the study..." }, "recaptchaCheck": { "title": "One sec! Only humans allowed." }, "moderated": { "title": "Online interview", "description": "You will be able to view and choose a time slot that best suits you.", "book": "Book a session", "modalDescription": "In this study, you’ll be in a live video call with a UX researcher who will ask you to give your thoughts and provide feedback on a digital experience.\n\nThis session will take around {{sessionDuration}} minutes. You will also choose when to participate based on the available time slots.", "mobileRequired": "A mobile phone number is required to schedule a session", "smsReminder": "To receive a reminder SMS message", "contactUser": "Contact you if something goes wrong", "why": "Why?" }, "sessionDuration": { "title": "Session duration", "min": "{{sessionLength}} minutes" }, "scheduled": { "warning": "**Note:** if you can no longer make this time, please [cancel]({{entranceLink}}) or [reschedule]({{entranceLink}}) your participation as soon as possible.", "join": "Join now", "notice": "You'll be able to join the session 10mins before the starting time.", "title": "Here are the details for your upcoming session", "nowTitle": "Let’s begin! You can now enter the session" } }, "and": "and", "aUppercase": "A", "desktop": "Computer", "phone": "Mobile phone", "tablet": "Tablet", "selectAnOption": "Select an option", "comingSoon": "Coming soon", "saved": "Saved", "greetings": { "greeting_morning": "Good morning!", "greetingName_morning": "Good morning {{userName}}!", "greeting_afternoon": "Good afternoon!", "greetingName_afternoon": "Good afternoon {{userName}}!", "greeting_evening": "Good evening!", "greetingName_evening": "Good evening {{userName}}!" }, "noThanks": "No, thanks", "back": "Back", "in": "in", "fieldCannotBeEmpty": "Field cannot be empty" }, "studiesDashboard": { "upcomingScheduledStudies": { "header": "Don’t forget! Your next session is in ", "days_plural": "{{count}} days ", "seeDetails": "See details", "show": "Show upcoming sessions", "hide": "Hide upcoming sessions", "studiesHeader": "Upcoming", "headerDateOn": "Don’t forget! Your next session is on ", "minutesNoHours_plural": "{{count}} minutes ", "hours_plural": "{{count}} hours ", "minutes_plural": "and {{count}} minutes ", "days": "{{count}} day ", "cardsHeader": "You’re scheduled for: ", "minutesNoHours": "{{count}} minute ", "minutes": "and {{count}} minute ", "hours": "{{count}} hour ", "sessionDetails": "Session details" } }, "studies": { "sessionDetails": { "title": "Let’s begin! You can now enter the session" } } } }